Surgeons On Demand

General Surgery

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General Surgery

Offering a comprehensive spectrum of therapies, utilizing advanced imaging and diagnostic technology, and emphasizing a conservative approach using noninvasive and minimally invasive approaches when possible. To focus on the patient, our team-based approach brings together neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeon, pain management specialists, and other professionals.

We collaborate closely with patients to develop a customized surgical approaches and plan to help them manage their symptoms and regain their quality of life. We offer patient education as well as prevention and wellness programs, in addition to our state-of-the-art surgical services, to help them better control their symptoms and conditions. 
Surgeon On Demand and Its parent company, Atlas Surgical Group, offers the full spectrum of general surgical services including laparoscopic, robotic and cutting-edge newer technologies for management of general surgical disorders. 
The comfort and convenience of our tele-based consulting, coupled with boutique transport and lodging options for our patients, is unparalleled. Our patients are given access to top-of-the-line general surgeons in the country, and can leave the operation center sooner and recover faster.

A Plan Made Just For You

Suregon On Demand is recognized and accredited for our outstanding clinical care. We provide our patients highly specialized assessments, the most up-to-date therapies, cutting-edge surgical procedures and approaches, and well-coordinated follow-up.